Frederic Beaudry
Professor of Environmental Studies & Ombuds
Environmental Studies/Geology
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Environmental Studies/Geology
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Postdoc: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007-2010 Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology
- PhD: Wildlife Ecology The University of Maine, 2007
- MS: Natural Resources (Wildlife) Humboldt State University, 2003
- BS: Biology (Wildlife Management) Université du Québec à Rimouski, 2000
Specialties / Areas of Interest
- Bird ecology & conservation
- Turtle ecology & conservation
- Habitat & population ecology
- Landscape ecology
- Land use planning
Courses Taught
- Environmental Studies I
- Doing Science
- Env. Research Procedures I
- Env. Data Analysis
- Env. Research Planning
- Conservation Biology
- Ecology of the Bahamas
- Nat. Resources Management
- Ornithology
- Herpetology
- First-Year Experience
- Junior Seminar
- Senior Seminar
- Honors Seminar
Research, Publications, & Presentations
Research & Publications
- Beaudry, F. 2020. Ornithology, by F.B. Gill and R.P. Prum. The Auk: Advances in Ornithology, 137(2).
- Paterson, J.E., J. Baxter-Gilbert, F. Beaudry, S. Carstairs, P. Chow-Fraser, C.B. Edge, A.M. Lentini, J. Litzgus, C.E. Markle, K. McKeown, J.A. Moore, J.M. Refsnider, J.L. Riley, J.D. Rouse, D.C. Seburn, J.R. Zimmerling, and C.M. Davy. 2019. Road avoidance and its energetic consequences for reptiles. Ecology and Evolution 2019(0):1–10.
- Kuntz, K.A., F. Beaudry, and K.L. Porter. 2018. Farmers' perceptions of agricultural land abandonment in rural western New York State. Land 7(4):128.
- Beaudry, F., M.C. Ferris, A.M. Pidgeon, and V.C. Radeloff. 2016. Identifying areas of optimal multispecies conservation value by accounting for incompatibilities between species. Ecological Modeling 332:74-82.
- Beaudry, F., V. C. Radeloff, A. M. Pidgeon, A. J. Plantinga, D. J. Lewis, D. Helmers, and V. Butsic. 2013. The loss of forest birds' habitats under different land use policies as projected by a coupled ecological-econometric model. Biological Conservation 165:1-9.
- Radeloff, V. C., F. Beaudry, T. Brooks, V. A. Butsic, M. Dubinin, and A. M. Pidgeon. 2012. Hot moments for biodiversity conservation. Conservation Letters 6:58-65.
- Radeloff, V. C., E. Nelson, A. J. Plantinga, D. J. Lewis, D. Helmers, J. J. Lawler, J. C. Withey, F. Beaudry, S. Martinuzzi, V. Butsic, E. Lonsdorf, D. White, and S. Polasky. 2012. Economic-based projections of future land use in the conterminous U.S under alternative economic policy scenarios. Ecological Applications 22:1036-1049.
- Hudgens, B. R., F. Beaudry, T. L. George, S. Kaiser, and N. M. Munkwitz. 2011. Monitoring and models to manage for shifting threats faced by the San Clemente Sage Sparrow (Amphispiza belli clementeae). Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1350-1360.
- Beaudry, F., A.M. Pidgeon, D.J. Mladenoff, R.W. Howe, G.A. Bartelt, and V.C. Radeloff. 2011. Optimizing regional conservation planning for forest birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:726-735.
- Kuemmerle, T., K. Perzanowski, H.R. Akcakaya, F. Beaudry, T.R. Van Deelen, I. Parnikoza, P. Khoyetskyy, D.M. Waller, and V.C. Radeloff. 2011. Cost-effectiveness of strategies to establish a European bison metapopulation in the Carpathians. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:317-329.
- Beaudry, F., A.M. Pidgeon, V.C. Radeloff, R.W. Howe, D.J. Mladenoff, and G.A. Bartelt. 2010. Modeling regional-scale habitat of forest birds when land management guidelines are needed but information is limited. Biological Conservation 143:1759-1769.
- Beaudry, F., P.G. deMaynadier, and M.L. Hunter, Jr. 2010. Nesting movements and the use of anthropogenic nesting sites by Spotted Turtles (Clemmys guttata) and Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5(1):1-8.
- Beaudry, F., P.G. deMaynadier, and M.L. Hunter, Jr. 2010. Identifying hot moments in road-mortality risk for freshwater turtles. Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (1):152-159.
- Beaudry, F., P.G. deMaynadier, and M.L. Hunter, Jr. 2009. Seasonally dynamic habitat use by spotted (Clemmys guttata) and Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in Maine. Journal of Herpetology 43(4):636-645.
- Beaudry, F., P.G. deMaynadier, and M.L. Hunter, Jr. 2008. Identifying road mortality threat at multiple spatial scales for semi-aquatic turtles. Biological Conservation 141:2550-2563.
- Beaudry, F. 2007. Rana sylvatica (Wood Frog). Predation. Herpetological Review 38:195.
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