This Week in the Arts

Current and upcoming public events in the School of Art & Design + Performing Arts, for the week of December 2, 2024. All events are free and open to the public.
Friday, December 6, 5-7 p.m. Pop-Up Holiday Studio Sale Harder Hall Lobby
Support Local Artists and do your holiday shopping right on campus!
Holiday Gifts at the Cohen Gallery Open Weekdays 12-4pm. Gallery proceeds to CERF supporting artists impacted by Hurricane Helene
GLASSARTENGINE Exhibition December 07, 6-8pm
Binns Merrill Hall, Room Cube Gallery
Join us for an exciting exhibition of interdisciplinary projects between glass engineering students and sculpture students as a part of the GLASSARTENGINE collaborative course.
Senior Shows Fall 2024 Dec 07, 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Harder Hall, Room Robert C. Turner Gallery
BFA Exhibitions are held on campus and are free and open to the public. The Senior Show Reception is scheduled for Saturday, December 7, from 4-8pm.
Chorus Concert December 07, 7:30 pm Miller Theater
The Alfred University Chorus presents its fall concert on Saturday, December 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Miller Theater of the Miller Performing Arts Center. AU Chorus is conducted by Rebecca H. Weaver Hamm and accompanied by pianist Dr. Linda Boianova. This event is free to the public.
Fosdick-Nelson Gallery UltraViolet: Jodie Mack on view through December 8, 2024
Using materials that glow under blacklight, ultraviolet delves into the nuanced relationship of glow-in-the-dark, neon, and fluorescent entities within analog and computational photography, printmaking, and digital imagery. Fusing together printed materials and textiles, ultraviolet brings to the surface many of the complications around original and technological replica.
Poster Archive at the Cohen Gallery. On view through December 8. Celebrating the work of twenty-five graphic design interns who created exhibition graphics for the Fosdick-Nelson and Cohen Galleries from 2001 to 2024. It showcases the legacy of a long-running internship that provides BFA students with valuable experience in a professional design environment on campus, benefiting both the School of Art and Design Galleries and the wider University community
Constructing Radiance: Sculpture by Li Hongwei will be on display September 26 through December 29, 2024.
Alfred/Düsseldorf MFA in Painting Exhibition at Scholes Library Project Room Departure On view through December 7, 2024
Featuring work by: Justin Donica, Rachel Grant, Ally Harrison, Max Heaton, Erin Keating, Ignacio Luera and Julia Moores