April 22-28, 2024 This Week in the Arts

Public events in the School of Art & Design + Performing Arts Division, week of April 22-28, 2024. All events are free and open to the public.
April 22, 12pm Robert C. Turner Spencer Gallery Cheek
April 23, 12pm Robert C. Turner Gallery JJ Baker
April 25, 5-6pm Reception Pray for Them: an exhibition presented by the Art History Bones & Stones class. Scholes Library Project Room
April 25, 6-8pm Opening Reception: Rounding the Corner: First Year Graduate Students Cohen Gallery
April 26, 2:30pm Lecture by Lio Bonaccio Art History Thesis Presentation Binns-Merrill hall 106
April 26, 6pm Dance Department presents : Composition II Showing Miller 300 Dance Studio
April 26 7:30pm Pop Ensemble Miller Theatre
April 27, 4-6pm Motherboard: Foundations Exhibition Harder Hall 225
April 27, 6-8pm MFA Thesis Exhibitions Robert C. Turner Gallery and Fosdick-Nelson Gallery
Liz Vukelich Ceramic Art Fosdick-Nelson Gallery
Heidi Mortensen Sculpture Dimensional Studies Fosdick-Nelson Gallery
Julien Tang Ceramic Art Robert C. Turner Gallery
Rhiannon Scheidt Sculpture Dimensional Studies Robert C. Turner Gallery
April 28, 3pm Student Recital Miller Theatre