October Press Releases


image of Myles

IEA Director Myles Calvert attends IAPA event in China

kelleher image

Professor Matt Kelleher attends 51st IAC Congress

people pounding on anvils

Ring of Fire attracts visitors to campus to experience flame-based art

arts at alfred logo

This Week in the Arts, Alfred University, Nov. 4-10

woman on stage acting, someone playing tuba behind them

Alfred University adds new Interdisciplinary BFA degrees in Performing Arts

arts at alfred logo

This Week in the Arts, Alfred University, Oct. 28-Nov. 3

young man and woman in lab

Alfred University set to launch Space Materials Institute

young woman smiling, with person in scary mask

‘Monsters’ both fictional and real examined in Alfred University honors class

arts at alfred logo

This Week in the Arts, Alfred University, Oct. 21-27

young man standing in front of screen giving presentation

Alfred University senior travels to Japan to take part in summer internship program

promotional poster for ring of fire event

Ring of Fire at Alfred University showcases flame-based art

man with hard hat operating a bulldozer

Saxon Hill Sports Complex remains on target for early 2026 completion

image of Westacott

Philosophy Professor Emrys Westacott's article on frugal living appears in Veolia Institute Review

photo of two men and a woman, one man holding a plaque

Several from Alfred University honored at ACerS MS&T Conference

arts at alfred logo

This Week in the Arts, Alfred University, Oct. 7-13

photo of football players celebrating

Saxon football team to welcome area youth to November game

image of mentorship day

First Mentorship Day draws more than 350