This Week in the Arts, Alfred University

Public events in the School of Art & Design + Performing Arts Division, week of Sept. 2, 2024. All events are free and open to the public.
Turner Gallery Opening Reception—Robert Turner Gallery. A solo exhibition in the Robert C. Turner Gallery Catwalk by Gina Colosimo Sept. 6-13. The exhibition consists of paintings, embroidery, metal work, soft sculpture, and an interactive installation!
IEA Resident Artist Trevor New—Harder Hall, Sept. 2-6. The Institute for Electronic Arts (IEA) announces an exciting line-up of resident artists in the Fall semester 2024. New is a composer, classically trained violist, and technologist that explores many contexts through music, visuals, and storytelling.
Beyond the Surface: Recent work by Jeanne F. Jalandoni and Sharon Norwood, Aug. 22-29, Cohen Gallery, 55 North Main Street in Alfred. Featuring recent work by Jeanne F. Jalandoni and Sharon Norwood, the School of Art and Design and Performing Arts Division at Alfred University’s 2024 Summer Artists-in-Residence. Conversations between Jalandoni and Norwood's work develop from a shared interest in engaging in veiled and obfuscated narratives. An opening reception will be held at the Cohen Gallery on Friday, Aug. 30, at 6 p.m.
Landfall Press: 30-Oct. 25, Fosdick-Nelson Gallery. Landfall Press: Five Decades of Printmaking celebrates 50 years of work from one of the country’s most renowned printer-publishers. Press has collaborated with distinguished artists and international rising stars, including Judy Chicago, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Robert Indiana, Nicky Nodjourni, Diego Romero, and Fatima Ronquillo. The exhibition will have an opening reception on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 6 p.m.
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