Alfred University names Jean Cardinale associate provost of Curriculum, Learning Assessment, and Accreditation

Jean Cardinale, longtime professor of biology at Alfred University, who recently led efforts to create pathways for students to earn multidisciplinary double majors, has been appointed the University’s first-ever associate provost of Curriculum, Learning Assessment, and Accreditation.
Beth Ann Dobie, provost and chief operating officer for Alfred University, announced Cardinale’s appointment, which is effective Monday, July 22.
In her role, Cardinale has three primary connected areas of responsibility: curricula, student learning outcome assessment, and accreditation. She will work closely with Dobie to advance efforts to realize the University’s curricular intersections and serve as a partner in developing strategic curricular innovation.
“I’m thrilled to be able to join the leadership team, and I look forward to working with faculty from across the university to strengthen, advance, and celebrate the innovative programs and opportunities we offer for our students,” Cardinale said.
Cardinale has supervisory authority over the offices of the Registrar and the Director of Education Abroad and serves as a resource to faculty proposing new academic programs and degrees. Her duties include serving as primary liaison to the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) and working with the University’s Division of Enrollment Management and deans to develop articulation and teach out agreements. She also chairs the University Curriculum & Teaching Committee as well as the Academic Assessment Council and Serves as the Chief Liaison Officer to Middle States Commission of Higher Education.
Cardinale served as a member of the faculty in Alfred University’s College of Liberal Art and Sciences since 2000, serving as assistant professor (2000-07), associate professor (2007-1012) and professor (since 2012) of Biology and Biochemistry. She was chair of the Division of Biology from 2012-24 (serving as co-chair in 2011), leading efforts to expand program offerings to include a Bachelor of Science in Biology major, Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry major, and biopsychology minor.
She has served as Interdisciplinary Programs Manager since 2022; in that role she oversaw creation of a new policy for students to pursue double majors. She has a B.S. degree in Cell and Developmental Biology, an M.S. degree in Microbiology and Immunology, and a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, all from the University of Rochester.
Dobie thanked the campus community for its participation in the process to select the associate provost of Curriculum, Learning Assessment, and Accreditation position.
“The candidate presentations were well attended, and we received valuable feedback,” she said, giving recognition to the members of the interview committee: Gabrielle Gaustad ’04, dean of the Inamori School of Engineering, associate provost for Research, and vice president for Statutory Affairs; Juliana Gray, professor of English; Tammy Jursza-Williams, registrar; and Jonathan Kent, vice president for Enrollment Management.