Alfred University to host conference on glass

Alfred University will host a five-day conference in July in which students and industry professionals will learn about the latest in glass research and science.
The 21st University Conference and Glass and Summer School will be offered July 23-27 and will include a series of lectures by experts on important glass topics, as well as presentations by undergraduate and graduates students on their latest research. Organizers welcome students from outside of glass science who are interested in learning more about glass.
Lecturers will include Alfred University alumnus John Mauro, ’01, ’06 PhD, Dorothy Pate Enright Professor and Associate Head for Graduate Education in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. Mauro, who earned bachelor’s degrees in glass engineering science and computer science and a doctoral degree in glass science from Alfred University, is one of the preeminent researchers in the field of glass science.
Mauro, one of two Alfred University alumni inducted into the National Academy of Engineers, is a member of the National Academy of Inventors. Prior to joining the faculty at Penn State, he spent 18 years as a glass researcher at Corning Inc., where he was the inventor or co-inventor of several new glass compositions, including Corning Gorilla® Glass products.