- 326 State St, Alfred, NY 14802 Campus Map
The Edward G. Coll and Carole Hulse Coll Center at Kanakadea
- Academic
- Administration
The oldest classroom building on the Alfred University campus, Kanakadea Hall underwent a complete renovation in 2000-2001 and was renamed the Edward G. Coll, Jr., and Carole Hulse Coll Center at Kanakadea, in honor of Alfred University's 12th president and his wife.
Statistics and History
- Constructed: 1884
- Reconstruction:
- 1907
- 2000-2001
- In this building:
- Human Studies
- Communication Studies
About this Facility
The Colls spent 18 years as the University's "first couple" prior to their retirement in June, 2000, and in the dedication ceremony for the Center, were cited for their "unwavering and loyal service to Alfred University."
While the renovation restored the exterior of the building to resemble what it looked like when it was built in 1884, the interior contains new classroom and faculty office space for the Division of Human Studies on the top floor and the Division of Communication Studies on the bottom floor. Faculty members praised the architects' ability to maintain the original character of the building.
The building was originally the community's grade school. A fire in 1907 destroyed the attic and tower and damaged much of the second floor. The University gave the community a parcel on Park Street for a new school, and took possession of what became Kanakadea Hall in exchange. It was renovated - without the tower - at a cost of $3,400, and opened as a University classroom and faculty office building in November 1908.
In the most-recent renovation, the tower has been restored, along with other turn-of-the-century touches on the exterior and landscaping to complement the appearance.