William Underhill
William Underhill’s influence on the Alfred community can be appreciated by those who studied under his teachings, but he left A.U. with another enduring impact as well: the King Alfred statue. King Alfred was dedicated in September 1990, but William’s work at Alfred began almost twenty years prior.
After studying at the California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, under Peter Voulkos, and at University of California, Berkeley, William earned his degrees and eventually moved to the east coast.
In 1968, he was asked to lead a workshop at Alfred. His workshop expanded into a permanent position; he taught sculpture from 1969 to 1997. While at Alfred, he established the first bronze foundry and helped advance the Division of Sculpture/Dimensional Studies.
The National Endowment for the Arts and the New York State Council for the Arts have both given him grants. His work was exhibited at Alfred University’s Cohen Gallery in 2017.