International Grad Student, International Club President, Mechanical & Propulsion Engineer
Ramin Faraji’s decision to pursue an education in the U.S. introduced many challenges and sacrifices, the first of which began with getting a student visa. Like most Iranian students, he received a single-entry visa. Although it allowed him to work towards his master’s degree, he hasn’t been able to return home or visit his family for years. The travel ban also posed a problem. Finally, the difference in exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and Iranian rial meant Ramin needed to work hard to make a living in addition to excelling in his studies.

After completing some internships and visiting large universities, Ramin discovered that Alfred University provided scholarships and everyday support that he hadn’t encountered anywhere else. Thanks to the efforts of President Zupan’s office, Provost Rick Stephens, and Dr. Ghotbi, Ramin arrived in Alfred in the spring of 2017 and began studying mechanical and renewable energy engineering. In addition to making many close friends at AU, he has also met professionals in his field while traveling to conferences around the country.
Recognizing the vital role of renewable energy in the future, Ramin is researching ways to bring wind power to areas in the world that have no access to electricity. “Working along with faculty and pursuing my research was a lifetime goal that I achieved at AU,” he says.
Ramin joined Alstom Transport in December 2019. Ramin would eventually like to be a freelancer in the field of renewable energies. He hopes to achieve his goals in areas of the world suffering from poverty.
My Life at Alfred and Beyond
Here are just some of the clubs, places and activities I love:
Ramin Faraji
My Hobbies & Interests
- Research
- Grad Assistantships
- Assisting Engineering Faculty
- Teaching Undergrad Mechanical Engineering Courses
My Favorite Places
- McMahon Engineering Building
- Terra Cotta Coffee House
- STEP Lab
- Seidlin Annex
My Topics
- Research
- Social Justice
- Engineering
- Internships
- Faculty